Hi again,
My sweet Kumba was perky yesterday and this morning and I am so happy to see her give me eye contact again which she wasnt for almost a week. She was even eager to get out of the barracaded area I set up for her near the back door and come across the house to the front yard:D The last couple of days I can see her sitting more than laying down like she has been for almost a week. What was the cause for the change?? I am thinking it was due to stopping all meds except soloxine/thyroid and prednazone. I did this from the direction of her local doctor and her symptoms cleared except for the diarrhea. I still dont know which medication was causing all of this or if it was something else. We did go from meloxicam to Tramadol, then Prednazone to replace the meloxicam.
I put in a call to her cancer doctor (not local) and she is telling me is imperative to keep her on the sucrafate and famatodine in order to keep her stomach from having stomach problems and ulcers, but I am afraid that one of these might have been the culprit in her symptoms: continuous diarrhea green colored goop in her eyes, wasnt eating, not much walking and loss of strength in back legs. Does anyone know what med could be the culprit in causing these symptoms? She was on: Soloxine, prednazone, pepto bismo, famatodine, sucrafate. I stopped all of them, then started all of them except for Pepto Bismo, replaced it with probiotic pills instead. I am scared she may have another reaction but Im more frightful she might end up with stomach issues as she is sensitive already. Now I am confused on which Vet to trust on this. I started her back on sucrafate and famatodine this morning but I am scared for her.
Any ideas, anyone? You all have been so helpful in the various ideas you have given me in the past, I am thankful for you all and your precious companions experiences.